Today's the first day of my birthmonth. In a few days time, I'd be a year older again. I actually have been ignoring this blog for some days -- for more than a week. I have been busy with our youth annual preparations, the reason why I can't (or didn't want) to blog. Thanks to Plurk and Twitter - microblogging.
Today, I have really been a TOTAL BUMMER! I slept at around 7pm yesterday, woke at around 2am, slept at 3am, woke at around 12pm to eat brunch, slept at 2pm or 3pm (can't recall) and woke at around 10pm. Just getting the sleep I lacked during the two last sleepless nights of October.
Yesterday, we had our Youth Annual. I praise God for its success! Though it's partly saddening for other chapters didn't attend
Thanks to the speakers that the participants are now UPSIZING OUR SPIRITS. I especially commend Young Ministers of God (CGM Bulacan chapter) for leading a wonderful Praise&worship! We were utterly blessed! Ang sarap ng feeling ko during that moment. The feeling's just so awesome. I just can't prevent the tears of joy as I can feel that I have a friend in God and that I'm thirsting and I hunger for Him. Indeed, the best place and the happiest place on earth is not Disneyland. The best place and the happiest place on earth is anywhere under the presence of God. And I also thank God for the play that I have written and directed was a success as well! The participants liked it! The food, the souvenirs, the special nos., the props, the decors, thank God for all of these.
And this event is one testimony as well. We started from a zero-budget but our God is Jehovah Jireh, the Divine Providence, who provides all our needs -- we even have extras. Great God!!!
Every speaker tackled on our core verse Ephesians 5:18
"Don't be drunk on wine because it will ruin your life,
instead be filled with the Spirit."
God's Order: UPSIZED SPIRIT! He didn't order us to become beautiful, to become so intelligent, to gain as much friends, to become so filthy rich, to excel on other earthly stuff, to dress well -- you know all stuff that the young people today are so busy with (which I am also guilty of) that they (we) even neglect to pray, to attend Church services/Mass to read the Bible and the so-called religious stuff. But He didn't deprive us of such blessings as well but LET US NOT FORGET THAT THESE ARE NOT WHAT GOD WANTS FROM US. HE WANTS A SPIRIT THAT IS FILLED. A SPIRIT THAT'S ALWAYS LONGING FOR HIM. I know I may sound a crazy preacher (it would be an honor if it's for God) but come judgment day, yes, that day that you would know if it is either eternal damnation or eternal salvation (i'm not scaring you, i'm just sharing what I'm supposed to ^_^), the King would not look at your earthly achievements but on how you have been faithful and have been obedient to His will. It would not actually hurt us to do good things, right? It is well yeah, it may be BORING at first, but the JOY THAT COMES FROM SERVING HIM AND PLEASING HIM is way way priceless...
It's time to awaken this generation! We will be used. Aren't you excited??
And so, with the UPSIZE thing, we had this fastfood theme. The skit is entitled "Fastfood". We had a yellow&red uniform (McDo, eh?!). We decorated the worship hall with drawings of burgers, sundaes, fries, and drinks and menus and we even had the McDo fries container (??) as banderitas. Our food is somewhat fastfood like and tastes like KFC... haha!
Photos to share:

November is not only the start of my birthmonth but also the month which semestral school and university students do not really look forward to -- START OF SECOND SEM!!! And to the trimestral schools, it's when school works start to pile up! Good thing I graduated from that already! Haha! No school worries, not really needing to get up early for that 8am class, no thesis, no papers, no dues, and no allowance. But I miss school, seriously. And hey, being unemployed (this word is starting to annoy me, haha!) is getting boringer each day, I tell you! But I'm still enjoying it!
And November it is!!! The much awaited movie, I know!!! November 26. I will not even dare type it. Haha!
All Saints & Souls Day are over which means -- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Oooooh, part-time job, please, for me, I need moolah for Christmas shopping!
Oh BTW, I had already watched HSM3 (last Oct.25, sold out!) and i looooved it! It's awesome! No, I don't like Zac Efron and Vanessa H. but I just loved the movie! Fantastic choreography, nice songs... It made me miss high school, it made me miss being a student more!
Just watched GG S02e08 and I can't wait for the next episode. Why is Nate like, girl-hopping? Is he really like that in the novel series as well?
So this is it. I ended up writing a quite-long post. Maybe to compensate the more than a week no post?? Haha! The title was just something I insisted on -- Now or Never -- song from HSM3 haha!
And November it is!!! The much awaited movie, I know!!! November 26. I will not even dare type it. Haha!
All Saints & Souls Day are over which means -- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Oooooh, part-time job, please, for me, I need moolah for Christmas shopping!
Oh BTW, I had already watched HSM3 (last Oct.25, sold out!) and i looooved it! It's awesome! No, I don't like Zac Efron and Vanessa H. but I just loved the movie! Fantastic choreography, nice songs... It made me miss high school, it made me miss being a student more!
Just watched GG S02e08 and I can't wait for the next episode. Why is Nate like, girl-hopping? Is he really like that in the novel series as well?
So this is it. I ended up writing a quite-long post. Maybe to compensate the more than a week no post?? Haha! The title was just something I insisted on -- Now or Never -- song from HSM3 haha!
I am not the same, everything's been different since the day You came into my life.
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