My dear blog, i've been planning to write a post within the past week but I have been 'busy' with other stuff. Haha! You just don't know how I enjoy playing Word Challenge and Pet Society in Facebook. See, i'm totally busy. Haha. That Pet Society makes me want for more and more coins and buy those stuff and furnitures and make Furawe's (my pet's name) home nice! My Mom is very supportive on it! Hahaha! She's by my side when playing. Can't wait to have a 2-storey house. Haha! I NEED to beat Tine & Jose on that Word Challenge! Urgh! But i'm so far behind these two NERDS!!! Also, I've been into too much internet this week. I downloaded too much, I surf the net a lot, Plurk (oh hi Chiui and Keiti! -- these two are so cool and nice!), and have been busy putting up our biz. I told you i've been busy.
This day I slept a lot. Haha!
Let me repeat that first part, this day... of course I went to attend a Sunday service. The sermon is about FAMILY ALTAR. I wonder how many families nowadays pray together. I'm proud to belong to one family -- my family -- who prays and even reads the Bible together. Although we don't do the latter always, but the former -- ALWAYS. While we say that the family is the basic unit of a society, families broke up so I guess, what our Pastor mentioned a while ago is so true -- the unity of the Body of Christ must start within ourselves then within our families.
Let me repeat that first part, this day... of course I went to attend a Sunday service. The sermon is about FAMILY ALTAR. I wonder how many families nowadays pray together. I'm proud to belong to one family -- my family -- who prays and even reads the Bible together. Although we don't do the latter always, but the former -- ALWAYS. While we say that the family is the basic unit of a society, families broke up so I guess, what our Pastor mentioned a while ago is so true -- the unity of the Body of Christ must start within ourselves then within our families.
Moreover, we all know that there is this impending US recession and the so-called global crisis. Economists have predicted of a worse 2009 for the rest of the world. Google it, you'll be astounded with the negativity of what's going on with the economies. There's high unemployment. OFWs are going home, most of them will sadly spend Christmas because they were forcely removed from their jobs. Reverse migration. etc etc. Come to think, when you read the news or hear it, what's really in store for the YEAR 2009? Would it really be worse? or even worst? We don't know. But why depend on the US economy? I have my dose of Economics and Finance classes. We are dependent on US economy, but why are we SO worried of what's going on in the US of A? And just like what our Pastor said -- yes, USA is big, it is powerful but our GOD is mightier, is bigger, is powerful -- why not depend on HIM? Why not, right? Let's not pray to the US, let's pray to God! He is the one in control of all of these. He is our ture hope and not Obama. ;)
There'd be great revival for the year 2009. And who knows the Philippines will be used. Just take a look at our country. We're not suffering as much as other countries are. Malls are crowded. Shopping is still up. Sold-out concerts. I don't know. Maybe it's just me. I really believe that the Philippines, the pearl of the orient would rise up one day, soon.
Haha! I'm really one patriot, nationalistic and the so-called 'religious' type of person. But i'd rather be called faithful servant -- such a privilege. And I don't participate on rallies. Haha!
Let's not talk too much of what lies so much ahead. It is still 2008. Why am I so frivolous? One ironic frivolous. Christmas is really really really really, last one, really near! Just a couple of sleeps left and people would traditionally wake up early to complete that Simbang Gabi (Night Mass). In our case, we call it Sambang Gabi. And here again goes my question -- why not change it to Simbang Madaling Araw (Dawn Mass)? Of course I know! And do really wishes come true? But it's nice to see people meeting Christ first thing in the morning, even for just a few days of the year.
I also came up with a partial wishlist. Just sharing... Oh Santa, I know I have been stubborn this year but I've been good as well!
- 300 GB plug & play external hard disk
- 4GB RAM PC upgrade
- Sony Vaio -- I dont know what model but I know how it looks or MACBOOK
- mannequin/s -- similar to those used by the designers in Project Runway
- Barbie Doll/s -- I am not kidding. I still want Barbie dolls. Haha! And play dress-up. hahaha!
- iPod or any counterpart MP3 -- I never owned one. I'm not musically inclined but now I want one for audiobooks and some music. haha!
- grant book wishlist
- white sewing machine -- i would love to sew my own clothes
- La Salle Adidas jacket -- one La Sallian here who doesn't own one yet. I WANT ONE!!!
- more coins for my pet! -- this is errr one silly wish
That is just to mention a FEW.
I already told you that i've been sketching so just sharing a piece:
I already told you that i've been sketching so just sharing a piece:

i'm really not good in sketching. you may call it trying hard.
this sketch would have look better on some colors.
i'm just thinking of CORN that time. haha.
more sketches here
(for multiply contacts only)
I'm excited for YU2G's lunch out next Sunday as well as CGM's annual banquet. :D
So come let us rejoice, come and sing the Christmas carols. With one big joyful voice, proclaim the name of the Lord.
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