and I can't think of a good title...
Hello blogspot!!! Can you say something in here?? Ok thanks. :P
On other note, I want these albums:

Slowly, i am getting into my senses. I only need this one thing to complete my transformation. I've been pondering a lot lately. I don't sleep right away, I pray and think a lot but in the end entrust all unto my Potter.
Hello blogspot!!! Can you say something in here?? Ok thanks. :P
I was itching to write a new post cos I'm fresh from a successful event, yes the Passionista '09. But I'm waiting for the photos and i don't even know why out of at least 5 cameras of the media prod (DSLRs to mention), NOONE has uploaded yet. Fail. So I decided to have a brief post and just post another one when photos are up whenever it'd be available.
As I have said it was a HUGE SUCCESS all because and for HIM. I must say it is the best YOUTH ANNUAL our church HAD in 5 years :) All glory and gratefulness to Him! I must also admit that yes, we combined WORLDY things in this event but allowed the Word of God and the move of the Holy Spirit to awash ungodliness in us -- as what is according to our theme verse Titus 2:11-12
In this present age, say no to ungodliness and worldly passion.
The thought is, we must be more than just 'fashionistas'. We must have the passion -- passion for the souls, passion for serving Him, we must reflect the same passion Jesus has. Our opening no. is I can say the best too. We walked on the ramp and performed The Glory by Avalon after. Honestly, just during the rehearsals, I already cried practicing it. God is just so awesome! I wish I could share a video of our performance but it is another fail, noone recorded it!
Rev Reggie preached to us about how powerful our choice is. And the greatest choice the youths made that night -- the choice to accept Him, to offer our lives to Him and serve Him. Sa totoo lang, nabitin ako sa Word of God but still we were superbly blessed.
The rest of the night was plain bonding among the CGM chapters, some may have left earlier than the rest but we still had fun. We had the best icebreakers and the food is satisfying too! The annual ended up at around 12AM but we had more bonding after.
How GREAT did God move in this event? Despite the typhoon that day, they all came and got home safe!
On other note, I want these albums:
It's again November and hmmm i look forward to whatever i would write on my yearly birthday post.
I have been active everywhere in cyberspace and so i decided to delete some of my accounts. Gah, LJ, Tumblr, Plurk, Twitter, Multiply, Facebook, and Plurk are the top sites I visit.
I'll leave this video... I pray that you be blessed like how we were blessed by this song...
I'll leave this video... I pray that you be blessed like how we were blessed by this song...
In the solitary moment of His birth on this barren dusty land, all of heaven kissed the face of the earth. With a miracle of love God became a man but He was sent away to draw His final breath when He was only thirty-three, and in the shame of dying a criminal's death He cleansed an angry world.
And in His suffering I see the glory of the blood, the beauty of the body that was broken for our forgiveness -- the glory of His perfect love is the heart of the story -- the glory of the blood.
Now I have tried to find salvation on my own in a search for something real but there's a guilty heart inside this flesh and bone fall upon His grace and I begin to feel the glory of the blood, the beauty of the body that was broken for our forgiveness -- the glory of His perfect love is the heart of the story -- the glory of the blood.
And when I close my eyes I can see Him hanging there! Oh the precious wounded Lamb of God all the majesty in this world cannot compare to the glory The beauty of the body the glory of the blood, the beauty of the body that was broken for our forgiveness -- the glory of His perfect love is the heart of the story -- the glory of the blood. But He was sent away to draw His final breath when He was only thirty-three .
-The Glory (Avalon)
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