What I have recently acquired and I must already stop. I have a half-year goal!!! |
BOOKS!! (1) I got Fullybooked High Street's last stock of this edition of WICKED! I just have to! And it just adds up to my excitement to watch this hit broadway musical LIVE!!! (2) Our humble book club's first novel is Gone Girl. My co-members are either almost done or DONE while I'm still 0% done and still reading Wicked haha! Pasaway! (3) I have already read The Fault In Our Stars the year it was released, and it is on its hype these days. It was only released as hardbound then and so I didn't get the chance to have my own copy. Now that I have some extra cash I finally bought my own copy of this favorite book.
I'm not sure when I started my scarves obsession but I can blame it to my Mom to whom I owe half of my collection now. This is the latest addition which was bought on sale! Yay! I do't really like buying scarves at their expensive price! C'mmon it's just a piece of fabric which I can buy it at maybe Php300 a yard and that's already a good fabric and then sew the edges by myself. Hahaha! So when I saw this at a super marked down price I impulsively bought it. I also bought these earrings which I'm thinking of using this coming summer days. :)
Hoarded new tops on SALE from my favorite brands. :) EOS everywhere so blame them not me. Hahaha! I also bought a top from The Berries, an online shop, which I have already mentioned on a similar post to this, and surprisingly I like like like the fit and the fabric. I have this thing for tops which are not tightly fitted to my skinny body. Instead, I like those that just lay loose that sometimes I opt for tops that make me look like a hanger. Gets? Haha! But not the bad kind of hanger. Excited to use these and mix and match them with anything.
Blame Luke for this impulsive buying!!! But I like it! I was thinking of Bensimon but this Victoria is just as good. I like the color of it!
So, Merie, stop buying, quota ka na!
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