I have no idea if I'm fit enough to finish this. But it would definitely be a long one. Allow me my dear blog, it's been a while since the last time I was in a real pensive mood. A mix of posts from the different angles of my life, this would be it. A reader (if ever there'd be) would know a LOT about me on this post. There would be 'firsts' and sorta revelations.
the SUPER long WEEKEND! Let me blog about it.
It all started Thursday night. Well, because, that was off-work already. How do we define IMPROMPTU? Scenario: We just left the building, rode our shuttle and I blurted out "I don't wanna go home yet. I might stay at Starbucks." And another officemate felt like not going home as well, and another officemate just celebrated his birthday and so we decided right then and there to have fun with the night. Impromptu that is. We were already working together for a month and yet we never had a night out. Last Thursday was our first and we weren't even complete. There were only five us. Regardless of the no., I must say we had the night of our lives. Ok, maybe just, we had so much fun. We stayed on this Italian restaurant. I love their pizza just a tad costly though. And their Cosmopolitan drink is weng weng with a sossy name. Lol. I got hit. Harhar at me. I needed a Starbucks drink and finally said hello to Caramel Macchiato. We met again. After that, we were so spontaneous that when we're just about to step inside a bus we decided just to stay at Treats, Petron. There we waited for the almost-sunrise.
More than the places we've been to and the food we shared plus the drink we tossed high (kailangan sa mata tumingin pag nagtotoss ayos.), are the talks we had over them. Who would've thought that those people speak a lot of sense. Ok, kidding. But true enough, our talks were full of sense but of course alongside funny hirits and singits. We talked about the Bible, Christianity, religions, LOVE religion, heaven, realities, absolute goodness and bagansya. I've heard of that last word just that night. Time to part ways at around 4AM. I met Julie so that we can travel home together.
The infamous TGIF tag is always applicable to me.
Wait, I actually ended the first part of this blog entry on the early part of Friday. Can I just tell you that I arrived home and the sun's peeking already. I slept for a few then woke up to open the laptop and searched about their arrival. I actually planned on stalking them as well but as what my sister told me "don't you give it a try, leave some for your self, some pride." Lol at my sister. FYI, she got me into this what I can classify as unhealthy obsession. She is maybe regretting it already. I need to skip this part already or I'll end up writing a lame short story.
Friday is SPORTSDAY for me. I used to be really into sports. I was a volleyball/badminton/chess/basketball player back when I was still studying. I love volleyball the most. I can't remember the last time I played a real volleyball game until last Friday. I listed myself to be part of a team that will play volleyball. I practiced alone, not really, I practiced with a wall. The ball's not good and player-friendly. My hands-arms got hurt (up until now I'm writing this) so I decided to buy a ball that will let us play a pain-free game. YAY! New volleyball ball! To cut the long story short, I enjoyed playing the game though to be honest it was an easy game. And my team won. :)
My very much anticipated Saturday didn’t start out pretty well. I had a volleyball game the day before and it’s been long since the last time I played. My body wasn’t used to it already. Upon waking up, before anything else (yes even before the idea of being at the Super Show 2), all I felt was an extreme pain on my arms, my swelling arms and as I tried to move my body, it wasn’t just the arms but the whole body. I had a body ache. I rose up and tried to stretch to no avail. Believe me when I said that I felt like not going to the venue early anymore. I just wanted to rest. My parents called me to a breakfast in our little garden. Ok, I think that’s the best way to jumpstart that super Saturday. I sat down on a bench, looked at the yummy-looking foods laid before me, looked at my Mom and suddenly blurted out “Today’s gonna be a good good good GOOD DAY!!!” My Mom knows why. My Dad knows why and I just kept on smiling and acting like I was breathing fresh beach air. Then the fangirl in me slowly unleashed that moment. Wishful thinking, crazy thoughts, wild imaginations of what might happen upon seeing them just kept on rushing and crossing my mad and insane brain cells at that time. Right from that moment, anticipation heightened each moment. Super Junior. Super Show 2. Manil.a Araneta. 12 members. Choi Siwon. Marry U. Who Am I. Lightsticks. Fan goods. Merchs . I just can’t think properly. I brushed my teeth, I thought of them. I took a bath, I thought of them. I fixed myself, I thought of them. I thought of them and yes, I thought of them.
The momentum waiting week has been really long and dragging but my travel from home to the venue seemed longer and more dragging. Not to mention the body ache I was having and the leg ache I felt each and every time I tried to climb some steps. I tried to just not think of it. I just need to get to the venue. Shibrows (the name of my Zune music player) didn’t help me in calming myself. I set it to playing just the Super Show 2 album. Of course I’m gearing myself and was trying to memorize the fanchants and the lyrics. I kept on smiling along the way. People who might have seen me would have wondered why the heck I was smiling to myself alone. I couldn’t care less. I was gonna see Super Junior in flesh!!! What else is there to mind about (well except the aches..) ?? Finally at 12:30 PM I was around the vicinity and on my way to the mall where me and my friend was gonna meet, all I saw were the SS2 Manila ads all over. I know I was excited. I know I can’t wait any longer but I also thought that that would be the last moment I am gonna anticipate and be excited so I made the most and cherished every moment. I met
Tine, to whom I owe A LOT for the possibility to watch the concert. We cheerfully ate our lunch, and my body-slash-leg-slash-arm-aches complaints pop out every time randomly with our imaginations and expectations of the show. After doing some important things we then decided to wait on the queue. Oh btw, we’re seated (standed??) SVIP right. It’s all part of the experience, lining up hours before the show itself, interacting with other fangirls, buying fan goods, chatting about the show because of the anticipation, discovering new things from other fangirls, taking notes of the projects, memorizing fanchants and the songs themselves and the list can go on forever. I discovered fangirls who flew from other countries like Taiwan, Singapore, Korea just to see
the Super Show. Whilst waiting as well, we were able to meet Alice, admin of Sj-World.net, and even took a snap with her. Gaaaah, I wanted to chat with her all about how it feels like being able to dance with Leader-ssi Leeteuk and how fun and tedious can it get administering a very big forum and seeing the SJ boys often etc etc. But I was too shy. She luckyyyyyyyyy. And she’s really nice!! It was also nice meeting online friends like Athena and Frances. I should hang out with them more often! And oh, I had a funny encounter with Chiui as well right after the show. Lol 'twas epic!

A little fast forward to when the gates started to open and anyone can already hear the excited fangirl shrieks. Lines were snaking from the outside to the gates to the entrance. In just a few, the so-called SUPER SHOW was about to start. A blue band (juts like what hospitals put on patients when they’re confined lol) was strapped on each person who’s on SVIP. And the moment Tine’s and mine were strapped we ran as fast as we can and we didn’t go straight to the dome but we went to the backstage surpassing the bouncers and security and we saw SUPER JUNIOR before other fangirls saw them!!!!
Ok I kid. It was all the opposite. We calmy walked ourselves to the insides of the big dome. Then OMG THIS IS IT IT’S THE SUPER SHOW 2 ALREADY I’M ABOUT TO DIE OMG I SEE A VERY BIG LED SCREEN ON STAGE AND OMG THE STAGE IS REALLY BIG LIKE REALLY SUPER BIG FOR THE SUPER BOYS WHO ARE GONNA PERFORM FOR THE SUPER SHOW AND I WAS LIKE SUPER NEAR THE STAGE AND LIKE REALLY NEAR I COULD GRAB THEM DOWN AND THE STAGE IS REALLY WELL DESIGNED AND THE LIGHTING IS JUST AWESOME AND THE FANGIRLS WITH BLUE GLOW STICKS AND THE THOUGHT OF SEEING THEM IN JUST A MATTER OF AN HOUR. OMG. DEATH OF ME. That moment, it was the fangirl in me that’s ever present in me. Noone else. No bipolar activities. No multiple personalities just the fangirl in me. Unleashed the fangirl in me. I brought out my Siwon lightstick and the other sapphire blue lighstick I bought. I think noone’s insane enough during those moments. Even I. We’re all just excited of everything’s about to come. Anticipating. Excited. Crazy. Insane. Adrenaline rush. No one can dare explain how it felt in exact words cos words ain’t enough. The feeling is just overflowing.
Dun dun dun dunnnnnn…

Ok I kid. It was all the opposite. We calmy walked ourselves to the insides of the big dome. Then OMG THIS IS IT IT’S THE SUPER SHOW 2 ALREADY I’M ABOUT TO DIE OMG I SEE A VERY BIG LED SCREEN ON STAGE AND OMG THE STAGE IS REALLY BIG LIKE REALLY SUPER BIG FOR THE SUPER BOYS WHO ARE GONNA PERFORM FOR THE SUPER SHOW AND I WAS LIKE SUPER NEAR THE STAGE AND LIKE REALLY NEAR I COULD GRAB THEM DOWN AND THE STAGE IS REALLY WELL DESIGNED AND THE LIGHTING IS JUST AWESOME AND THE FANGIRLS WITH BLUE GLOW STICKS AND THE THOUGHT OF SEEING THEM IN JUST A MATTER OF AN HOUR. OMG. DEATH OF ME. That moment, it was the fangirl in me that’s ever present in me. Noone else. No bipolar activities. No multiple personalities just the fangirl in me. Unleashed the fangirl in me. I brought out my Siwon lightstick and the other sapphire blue lighstick I bought. I think noone’s insane enough during those moments. Even I. We’re all just excited of everything’s about to come. Anticipating. Excited. Crazy. Insane. Adrenaline rush. No one can dare explain how it felt in exact words cos words ain’t enough. The feeling is just overflowing.
Dun dun dun dunnnnnn…
Lights off and that was the first of the loudest shouts from the audience that occurred. It was just the first. LCD screen started to play moving images. The crowd got wilder. And even wilder as the BASS and the oh-so-good sound system started teasing our ear drums.
I wish I could enumerate and write every single detail of this SUPER SHOW but I just can’t or if ever I will, it will be long enough for a lame novelish fan account.
Each and every time a member is shown on screen the crowd just grew louder and louder and it seems like there’d be nothing louder than it but it just kept getting louder and crazier. And then OMG OMG OMG one by one the came out from the different spots on stage. I first spotted Eunhyuk and I swear I can picture myself reacting like I saw a ghost. Right then and there I knew they were REALLY REAL LIKE REAL but I was like are they really human? And then I turned around and then ...
IT WAS THE LIVING WORK OF ART THAT I SAW. INDEED A REALLY LIVING WORK OF ART THAT IS. THAT IS CHOI SIWON. SORRY, BUT I JUST DON’T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE AND I’M GONNA USE THE ADJECTIVE GODLY. GODLY FACE. GODLY BODY. THE MUSCLES ARE WORTH MY SEEMINGLY ENDLESS DROOL. I NEEDED A CUP TO CATCH WHATEVER’S COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH. But of course I kid. That was my first Siwon-in-flesh encounter. That moment, my love for Choi Siwon just got stronger. He’s ‘heavenly’?? He’s so HANDSOME GORGEOUS and SEXY I can die right then and there. I know it’s Super Junior’s Super Show but from that point onwards all I saw and wanna see was SIWON. The handsome Siwon. The sexy Siwon. Siwon Siwon Siwon Siwon. Choi Siwon. Being at the SVIP standing allowed me to follow wherever he went except on the other side of course. Then the intro then A Man In Love started playing then they started grooving, we started grooving, coupled with deafening shouts, they started performing, they’re teasing the audience then they started singing, dancing and I wish I could say the rest is history but I’m gonna say a couple of things more. This is Siwon biased cos he’s my ultimate bias because the main reason why I’m loving Super Junior is him because I love him.
Ok. We can! Carry on...IT WAS THE LIVING WORK OF ART THAT I SAW. INDEED A REALLY LIVING WORK OF ART THAT IS. THAT IS CHOI SIWON. SORRY, BUT I JUST DON’T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE AND I’M GONNA USE THE ADJECTIVE GODLY. GODLY FACE. GODLY BODY. THE MUSCLES ARE WORTH MY SEEMINGLY ENDLESS DROOL. I NEEDED A CUP TO CATCH WHATEVER’S COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH. But of course I kid. That was my first Siwon-in-flesh encounter. That moment, my love for Choi Siwon just got stronger. He’s ‘heavenly’?? He’s so HANDSOME GORGEOUS and SEXY I can die right then and there. I know it’s Super Junior’s Super Show but from that point onwards all I saw and wanna see was SIWON. The handsome Siwon. The sexy Siwon. Siwon Siwon Siwon Siwon. Choi Siwon. Being at the SVIP standing allowed me to follow wherever he went except on the other side of course. Then the intro then A Man In Love started playing then they started grooving, we started grooving, coupled with deafening shouts, they started performing, they’re teasing the audience then they started singing, dancing and I wish I could say the rest is history but I’m gonna say a couple of things more. This is Siwon biased cos he’s my ultimate bias because the main reason why I’m loving Super Junior is him because I love him.
Uhmmm writing this just brings the happy memories of Super Show 2. Let me state the setlist of which I'm not totally sure.

A Man in Love. U (cos I can’t stop thinking of you ~*boys*~). It’s You Rearranged. She Wants It. Then the next part was Super Junior’s introduction then one by one. Everyone will agree with me that the most adorkable during the introduction part was Shindong who can be commended for memorizing how to count 1 to 10 using Filipino language specifically Tagalog and blurting out the expression Ano ba yan?! in the most perfect accent possible from a Korean. He furthered by saying Pasensya na po (which means Sorry). Other members said Ano ba yan as well. Aegyo~! The member who had the most Filipino fans, and I mean Donghae, ran around the stage in full speed and the audience grew wild. The energetic Donghae that he is. Kyuhyun made a moonwalk and said MABUHAY! (Welcome!). Yesung did a breakdance and the crowd cheered for him. That was good! Sungmin did some martial arts for his intro. Of course Cinderella Heechul is as lovely handsome as ever. Milky skin is the perfect description! Then Siwon was introduced as the LIVING WORK OF ART. Indeed indeed. He said “When I say WE LOVE YOU, you say Jesus!” and the crowd including me shoutedSHISUS JESUS!!
Seriously, this is why I LOVE him to death. And I mean it. He never fails to bring glory to His creator in every single thing he does even in a concert like this! He’s a real God-fearing man. My love for him just grew even stronger!! After each member’s introduction they sang Angela next. I hoped that the entirety of the audience participated in the Angela project. It would really be cool to see that. Let me just bring out a *sigh*. Then Life couldn’t get better~ Miracle! They started interacting with the fans in here. Disco Drive. Dancing Out. Dancing Out happens to be one of their songs I want to hear
from them and I didn’t expect that they are gonna perform this. ALL SJ BOYS including henry and Zhou Mi had their fair share of concert momentum. Sungmin sang Baby Baby while playing keyboards. Donghae made the fishy-lovers squeal to death with his Beautiful perf. Yesung sang Resignation. Wookie fans got crazy when he performed Insomnia complete with some
flirty dancing with a lady dancer. Kyu serenaded us all with his soothing voice while singing Jam Hsiao. The best vocals KRY together with aegyo prince Sungmin performed What If on the rotating platform. Wookie kept on coughing but still he managed to get through. I love how he sweetly smiled trying to not mind his coughing. Heartquake and Eunhyuk birthday project was on the move. One of my Tumblr usernames, Dead At Heart was also performed by KRY with Eunhyuk. Leader-ssi Teukie teased us all with a somehow flirty performance of Honey. Leader sure knows how to give indirect fanservice to us fangirls. I can say that he’s really flirty on the Honey perf with his smiling eyes and heart-meltnig dimples showing. And OMG is he even sure that he was born 1983??? He doesn't look like it!! I also didn’t expect that Heechul’s got a perf of Sonata of Temptation which was introduced by Henry’s powerful violin perf, Wookie played the keyboard and Hyukjae rapped. During Heechul’s solo, I saw the rocker in him which was what he really
wanted. I wish I could hear him sing an English rock song. And gaaaah I love his uhm polo? Blouse? Underneath his white suit. Only him who can be hot and lovely at the same time. Two of the hottest perfs followed: Don’t Don and Twins (Knock Out) next to each other. I don’t know about the others but Don’t Don is just an awesome perf! They utilized the whole stage on that perf with the pyro effects. Oh yes. I love it! Then of course I got to see them do the infamous PELVIC THRUSTS in front of me!
OMG! I died! PELVIC THRUSTS in flesh!! Altogether with their orgasmic faces! Ok, bear with me. I have inappropriate phrasing tendencies. After the hotness perfs came the cuteness Puff the Magic Dragon. Heechul’s so funny! And the big LCD screen played a major part with the effects! So cute!! Wookie did Kara’s butt dance. So cute! Everyone was just so cute! But Heechul pwned that song and yeah Kyu’s singing. Dance Heroes part like wah they’re the best dancers!! I completely forgot that I would be able to see them do it. I was just able to watch it on Star Dance Battle! So good!! Then Henry and Mimi having solo perfs surprised us all. Henry hotly performed Sick of Love. Our Mochi really had grown up into a muscled man as well! Who could play the violin awesomely, dance hotly, sing well, and be cute altogether?! That’s our Mochi! Then Zhou Mi had a solo and ZhouMi Birthday project was on the move. I’m proud of Filipino ELFs giving full support to these two who deserve all the love as well!

A Man in Love. U (cos I can’t stop thinking of you ~*boys*~). It’s You Rearranged. She Wants It. Then the next part was Super Junior’s introduction then one by one. Everyone will agree with me that the most adorkable during the introduction part was Shindong who can be commended for memorizing how to count 1 to 10 using Filipino language specifically Tagalog and blurting out the expression Ano ba yan?! in the most perfect accent possible from a Korean. He furthered by saying Pasensya na po (which means Sorry). Other members said Ano ba yan as well. Aegyo~! The member who had the most Filipino fans, and I mean Donghae, ran around the stage in full speed and the audience grew wild. The energetic Donghae that he is. Kyuhyun made a moonwalk and said MABUHAY! (Welcome!). Yesung did a breakdance and the crowd cheered for him. That was good! Sungmin did some martial arts for his intro. Of course Cinderella Heechul is as lovely handsome as ever. Milky skin is the perfect description! Then Siwon was introduced as the LIVING WORK OF ART. Indeed indeed. He said “When I say WE LOVE YOU, you say Jesus!” and the crowd including me shouted

Yes a solo paragraph for Siwon’s performance of one of my favourite contemporary Christian songs, WHO AM I (original by Casting Crowns). The first time I was able to watch Siwon’s perf of Who Am I on YouTube during the first leg of Super Show 2 at Korea, I wanted to just hug Siwon and absorb the godliness in him. I cried and I knew that time that I was ‘idolizing’, following and fangirling over the right person. That time I was convinced that I love Super Junior, I am very much in love with Choi Siwon, irrevocably in love with him. I was so thrilled and glad seeing and hearing and feeling him perform in flesh this particular song. My Php8000 wasn’t wasted at all and because of this perf, while singing to it, I know I was also able to give glory to Him. Wonderful Siwon. I died inside hearing his harmonic baritone voice for 3 minutes. The Choi Siwon birthday project was on the move with banners saying Happy Birthday Choi Siwon raised and since it’s an English song known to Filipinos, the crowd sang along. I hope we were able to cheer up feeling sick Siwon. I hope for Siwon, Filipino fans made considerably something special. During his perf, Wookie played the keyboards, Kyu, Hae and Teukie did some backgrounds. Awww.. Such a really nice perf!
Super Junior M perfs followed. They sang Blue Tomorrow and the crowd again got wild during Super Girl perf. I miss Hangeng though :(. Henry wearing those shades! Gotta love it! Maybe because he wasn’t really feeling good at all, Siwon exited right away. Aaaww, bb needs rest. Shining Star was next and it’s like their Thank You song! I got really touched with the VCR before it that made me a proud ELF. There were members who were in tears and almost in tears. Then at the middle, the Saranghaeyo part played on the LCD is also touching. I wish I could hug each one of them on that part. *sigh sigh sigh* Our Love was also sang by them. I can't recall at what point but they did cos I will never forget the fanchant ^^ Then Sorry Sorry Answer on the LCD which was full of Kangin. I MISS KANGIN!!! No Hangeng though and Kibum. Whyyyy?!?!!

Then of course 10 sexy backs of handsome guys wearing white arose from underneath the stage! It’s their infamous SORRY SORRY (remix) perf already!!! Of course it’s different and feels incomplete that it was just 10 who performed. But still HOT! HOT HOT is HOT HOT! Ta ta ta ta rat tatara tat.. Dance Dance dance~ Siwon and Donghae danced without shirts underneath their suits. Hotmess!! Hotness. Then towards the end Siwon teased the already jawdropped fangirls and fanboys when he unbuttoned his suit. Dang seeing SHIABS in flesh is a sure win, is a sure fangirl dream come true. That moment, that moment I saw ze abs of Siwon I started to feel my pulse if it still exists and then I realized I was already in ~*heaven*~. Ok sorry. I kid. OMG SHIABS! I ALREADY SAW SHIABS! All I’m left to dream about is having the chance to touch it! Lol.
Super Junior M perfs followed. They sang Blue Tomorrow and the crowd again got wild during Super Girl perf. I miss Hangeng though :(. Henry wearing those shades! Gotta love it! Maybe because he wasn’t really feeling good at all, Siwon exited right away. Aaaww, bb needs rest. Shining Star was next and it’s like their Thank You song! I got really touched with the VCR before it that made me a proud ELF. There were members who were in tears and almost in tears. Then at the middle, the Saranghaeyo part played on the LCD is also touching. I wish I could hug each one of them on that part. *sigh sigh sigh* Our Love was also sang by them. I can't recall at what point but they did cos I will never forget the fanchant ^^ Then Sorry Sorry Answer on the LCD which was full of Kangin. I MISS KANGIN!!! No Hangeng though and Kibum. Whyyyy?!?!!

Then of course 10 sexy backs of handsome guys wearing white arose from underneath the stage! It’s their infamous SORRY SORRY (remix) perf already!!! Of course it’s different and feels incomplete that it was just 10 who performed. But still HOT! HOT HOT is HOT HOT! Ta ta ta ta rat tatara tat.. Dance Dance dance~ Siwon and Donghae danced without shirts underneath their suits. Hotmess!! Hotness. Then towards the end Siwon teased the already jawdropped fangirls and fanboys when he unbuttoned his suit. Dang seeing SHIABS in flesh is a sure win, is a sure fangirl dream come true. That moment, that moment I saw ze abs of Siwon I started to feel my pulse if it still exists and then I realized I was already in ~*heaven*~. Ok sorry. I kid. OMG SHIABS! I ALREADY SAW SHIABS! All I’m left to dream about is having the chance to touch it! Lol.

Marry U. The song I’ve been long waiting for and I know I would cry. Sorry, shallow as I may seem but I teared up a tad. The wonderful night was about to end and they’re singing Marry U. At that time it became the most bitter-sweet song I’ve ever heard. It will soon be over and Siwon wasn’t there, at that particular song. I just need to understand that he’s not feeling well. But still, nothing’s changed on how I’m still in love with this song. From the beginning rap to I do I just felt like crying.
Then it was time for their goodbyes. Sigh. All things meet their end and that was it.
Lemme just give some random bullet points before I finally end this seemingly endless Super post. It still continues to pile up every time memories rush in (http://spreadinsomesujulove.tumblr.com):
Indeed it was a SUPER SHOW. A show that aided a lot in realizing a fangirl dream. A show that was like ALL IN ONE. I saw dancers. I saw actors. I saw real people. I saw and heard singers. I watched performers. I saw comedians. Dance. Teases. Song numbers. Skit. Sing and dance. Hot perf. Cute perf. Funny perf. And these hot and handsome guys all together in one so-called SUPER SHOW. It was worth the wait. It was worth the bills. It was worth the body ache. Never in my entire being fangirl that it occurred to me that they’re gonna hold a Super Show this early. I can never be thankful enough to the producers of this show. The moment I saw them on stage was already the start of a fulfillment of a fangirl’s dream. One of the greatest dream of an ELF would have and it came to reality for me. It was yet another YouTube-to-flesh experience and it was oh so good. It was almost bliss.
It was hard dealing with the aftermath and up until now I’m that I'm pushing through writing this entry. It’s been a week but I still smile and still die inside each time my braincells is lightened up by the SS2 memories. There were bashers, and I wouldn’t waste too much time dealing with them. More than just the thousands spent, efforts given and an almost sore voicebox is the surreal feeling of seeing our boys. Those boys who have a heart for what they are doing and are sincere in being thankful to their fans. We know it. We can feel it. More than just their performances, whom one person labeled "not broadway worthy" are the things they’ve done during the entire show. The fanservice of waving at their fans, picking up the gifts being thrown, laughing at thrown condoms and bikinis and pervy stuff, wearing big glasses handed by fans, eating dried mangoes from fans onstage, taking pictures with the fans, smiling for them and the list may go endless -- might be the simplest things that can mean a lot. Maybe, for others, they weren't good enough but they certainly wouldn’t see it unless they slip into our, fangirls’, shoes.
As for Choi Siwon, my love for him as a fangirl and as a believer drilled down deeper. Having got a simple wave and smile from him, I’m so much thankful already. Seeing the things he does, for his band, for his fans and for his Creator, I couldn’t wish for another ‘idol’ like him.
And as an ELF, I will try my best to be forever loyal. As long as they exist and as long as the sapphire blue color exists, as long as Siwon and other SJ members are in the hearts of the people, as long as "the world isn't filled with sapphire blue balloons yet", I will 13elieve and prom15e to support SUPER JUNIOR, despite closed-minded bashers and haters. SUPER JUNIOR and ELF = 1. Indeed.
p.s. I can't be discreet any longer cos this is about Super Show already :P
p.p.s. If you're expecting my fail photos of the Super Show 2 Manila, for contacts only at my Multiply and Facebook. Feel free to add me... the links are at the navy bar above just below the header.
p.p.p.s. shameless plug
p.s. I can't be discreet any longer cos this is about Super Show already :P
p.p.s. If you're expecting my fail photos of the Super Show 2 Manila, for contacts only at my Multiply and Facebook. Feel free to add me... the links are at the navy bar above just below the header.
p.p.p.s. shameless plug
Saranghaeyo yeongwonhi
That night was the best of my 18 years of existence, no more no less. I'm expecting another Super Show in the coming year with KIBUM prz.
FRANCES!! You dont know how glad I am seeing a blogger comment on my blog again! Lol... But I CONCUR! One of the best of the best of nights and the best concert I've been too so far!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!
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