Hey, it's time to update! Unannounced hiatus -- I'm good at it -- once again. Wasn't able to write since my birthday post last year. Apart from the previous years, as you can see, no bye-2010-hello-2011 post as well. Not that I'm busy, which may be partly true at times (yes, partly and at times lol), but more of 'cos I'm lazy to update. Too lazy that I can only "easy-blog" through Tumblr, and micro-blog through Twitter. There... But yo, zzup I'm back, errr or at least for this post.
First, I've finally given up THIS URL and embraced the being of my blog itself. New URL is obviously -- merieisms.blogspot.com -- Merie's musings and whereabouts, more than what you see and hear of me.
Boy, I miss blogging so I might end up writing a long, photo-extensive post. *winks*
Nothing BIG nor special for this post. Just the feel of wanting and finally laying my hands on the keyboard to writing a blog post.
The first quarter of 2011 will end in a matter of days and honestly I don't believe I've accomplished a quarter's worth of something to be proud of. Some people think I just let opportunities pass by in front of me and to which I would calmly answer that I'm patiently waiting. Sometimes I feel the same way they feel. I would be frantic in the insides, my thoughts racing, unrealized dreams juggling, priorities changing ranks and a lot of things bombarding that I end up just getting confused. The neurons, the brain cells -- they're like in a hurry. Like c'mmon, we're living in a really fast-paced world with technology booming one after the other. These surroundings don't help me at all. That at one point I broke down silently, on the corner of my bed and asked myself repeatedly why and when?
I don't wanna go through all the drama so I'm fast-forwarding to what my thoughts have become. I am thankful of where I am as of the moment. I haven't given up on my dreams. I have acquired another set of goals. Nothing special really happened. Just that I'm clinging ever more tightly to my faith to that One who laid my purpose way before I had a clue of anything. Think of me as so spiritual and religious all you want (as if my blog hasn't been like that ever since) but I just trust there is something especially prepared for me. My faith keeps me going. And the people who truly know and trust in me fuels it.
And sooooo.. Seconds tick. Days pass. History is continuously written. Life goes on. Where to go but to move forward.
Teehee it felt so good to write again.
And now for the real update (this is where the photo-extensive part comes in).
Haven't been to places for three months unless it's company-funded. *grins*
February 13 -- I've finally set foot on the historical island of Corregidor. At one point, during my college years, I dreamt of becoming a historian because of Jose Rizal and my history subjects. Didn't appreciate it back in grade school and high school. Philippine's history is so rich and having been able to tour just this island, made me appreciate the existence of my homeland. I love the food, the scenery, the wind, the sea, surroundings, and the story embarked on each of the relics and remains.
February 26 - 27 -- We had our biggest team building. From just a batch, we've grown into five. And the girl scout that I am who loves camping and adventure enjoyed every bit of activity we had. More than that is the bond that was shared and tightened.
March 1 -- One year mark. I've reached it. It's something good to include in the CV ;) As part of the pioneer batch of the department I'm in, I can proudly say that without the aid of nine hard-headed analysts, it wouldn't have gotten where it is now. Ok, some bragging included in there.
March 1 -- One year mark. I've reached it. It's something good to include in the CV ;) As part of the pioneer batch of the department I'm in, I can proudly say that without the aid of nine hard-headed analysts, it wouldn't have gotten where it is now. Ok, some bragging included in there.
So that's it for the update.
It's SUMMER already but I have not made any plans. Maybe a trip to the beach with someone special will suffice a summer getaway. :) Aherrm.
It's SUMMER already but I have not made any plans. Maybe a trip to the beach with someone special will suffice a summer getaway. :) Aherrm.
See. Not much to tell about. Want me to rant? I can't put them into writing anyway :)
I'll leave you a latest photo of me. I feel so refreshed :)

Pressed but not crushed. Persecuted not abandoned. Struck down but not destroyed. Blessed beyond the curse. His joy is gonna be my strength. Though the sorrow may last for the night, the joy comes in the morning...
photo credits:
L. Salud
R. Naranjo, Jr.
1 comment:
I totally missed reading your posts, shing.
I, too, am guilty of being on blog hiatus... But have been inspired to update bec of this! :-D
Cheers to more productive months to come!
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