Hello. It's already tiring to say that after bla bla bla months I'm back bla I'm writing again bla bla. Haha!
Writing now compared to the previous post, I believe that I'm better, I'm feeling better, I've learned, I'm a lot okay. Today I've said to myself that it's TIME and I want that this time, this is finally it. No more slacking and laziness. Just towards betterment. I'm trying to help myself a lot lately (and some people too). And I keep reminding myself how powerful my thoughts are so I am trying my best to push negativity away, in any form. It's hard, it'll be hard but as long as I'm trying. The past days, I've been really down. But on those times that I have learned and realized things. And I think it helped me. Every situation no matter what kind can help define who we are, and it's just so much better that you take each one as a stepping stone or a prerequisite to self improvement.
Maybe the rain helped me a lot also. According to PAGASA, rainy season is coming and I'm happyyyy. Rainy seasons are more likeable than summer. For the past days it has been raining. Of course, I love it. And today it also rained! When it's raining the temperature's cool and all I wanna do is snuggle myself with my blanket and pillows. Voila! I slept all day! But when I decided to finally get out of bed, I ate and ate and ate and then I made myself 'productive' by doing these stuff:
Yeah, I doodled and sketched. And who knows what can happen next? I am crossing my fingers. Oh please oh please let them come to life.
So there. I'm not up for a long post nor a photo-extensive one so I'm ending with one last note-to-self photo...

Writing now compared to the previous post, I believe that I'm better, I'm feeling better, I've learned, I'm a lot okay. Today I've said to myself that it's TIME and I want that this time, this is finally it. No more slacking and laziness. Just towards betterment. I'm trying to help myself a lot lately (and some people too). And I keep reminding myself how powerful my thoughts are so I am trying my best to push negativity away, in any form. It's hard, it'll be hard but as long as I'm trying. The past days, I've been really down. But on those times that I have learned and realized things. And I think it helped me. Every situation no matter what kind can help define who we are, and it's just so much better that you take each one as a stepping stone or a prerequisite to self improvement.
Maybe the rain helped me a lot also. According to PAGASA, rainy season is coming and I'm happyyyy. Rainy seasons are more likeable than summer. For the past days it has been raining. Of course, I love it. And today it also rained! When it's raining the temperature's cool and all I wanna do is snuggle myself with my blanket and pillows. Voila! I slept all day! But when I decided to finally get out of bed, I ate and ate and ate and then I made myself 'productive' by doing these stuff:
Yeah, I doodled and sketched. And who knows what can happen next? I am crossing my fingers. Oh please oh please let them come to life.
So there. I'm not up for a long post nor a photo-extensive one so I'm ending with one last note-to-self photo...
I would also like to add that I have also decided to jump outside the norms of my posts here. Hmmm.. Let's see..
I will never be the same 'cos You came near from the everlasting to the world we live...
Hi Merie! Love your sketches. And yes, embrace what you have and step outside the norms. It's a big leap but it's worth the risk! ♥
<3 ^_____^
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