Just got home from my ‘time being alone’. Yuck parang ang loser naman ng dating. I went to SM Southmall (my ever reliable nearest mall) to buy some stuff needed this coming Sunday. After which I strolled, of course. It took about just half an hour to buy those things. And I was SHOCKED?! Haha never knew that Southmall is now a school/campus with different uniforms! Too many students strolling around as in you look everywhere and you’ll see someone who’s in uniform. And they were shouting, some were even sitting on the floor, they thought they were in some place like Picnic Grove, then someone bumped into me coz they were I think playing habulan. Ok, I’ll stop. Ranting too much, eh? It’s just that they were too many! Also, it was really a good thing I went to SM today not tomorrow because tomorrow until Sunday would be SM’s 3-day sale and you know how Filipinos love SALE.
Ok as for my quick quality time for myself, I treated myself, specifically my digestive system: cheese-flavored fries, Belgian-choco-filed waffle and Hazelnut Cappuccino Zagu. I was supposed to chill at Starbucks alone but when I saw that there were also many students there, I decided otherwise. {I'm not anti-students. Hey, I'm a student too! But students are supposed to be studying! Haha! Sounding like a parent here. They're not supposed to be aloof in uniforms inside malls!}So I bought Zagu instead and went to SM’s fourth floor where there were less people strolling. Then as I was walking, my attention was caught by the wall where the full trailer of For the First Time (Kc Concepcion and Richard Gutierrez’s first movie together) is being projected. So I just stood there watching. *Sigh*, KC Concepcion is undoubtedly pretty and talented – seems like she’s an epitome of a lady who has almost everything – such a blessed person (wondering how’s her relationship with her Creator..).

So I went on with my strolling and sat on one of the benches there and was thinking. Come September 2, I would be able to know whether I would already graduate (ok, I claim it!). I’m just feeling so anxious about our thesis! As of this moment, we still don’t have a grade! Gaah! Then I suddenly thought what if we fail (WE’LL PASS, ok?), how will I deal with it? Then I stopped thinking about failing – BECAUSE WE WILL PASS & WILL GRADUATE! I remind myself of Jeremiah 29:11 and I feel better:
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Also last night, I had a weird but lovable dream!!! Why?! I dreamt of Chris Tomlin! Hahaha! Serious! I dreamt about him having an album launch of his Hello Love here in the Philippines and I even shook hands with him! Ok, you’re free to laugh at my chimeras! I’m just excited on his album’s release come September 2 (same as judgment day, pfft...). And speaking of albums, I also visited House of Praise a while ago and included the following albums on my wish list:
Kingdom of Comfort – Delirious?
I Will Go – StarfieldWith Hearts as One – Hillsong United
Take It To the Streets (Hope 2008) – Various Artists
I want all of these albums. I still don’t have enough moolah. (Someone give me these albums please... Grad gifts, anyone?)
After 2 hours inside the mall, I already went home because I wanted to avoid slow traffic. As I was walking along our street, I can already feel the ‘ber’ months’ air. Malamig ang simoy ng hangin. MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! September is just hours away!
Also I'm into microblogging because I think I'll bum around first before looking for a job and would concentrate first on my church ministry. So I have:
and the most recent
You guyz, have those accounts?? Add me up or follow me! Haha!
Yesterday I had my very last final exam of my college life. And while waiting for my friends I was observing the school grounds -- Marian quad, amphitheater, Yuchengco building -- and was thinking, -- "It was almost 4 years ago when I first saw these grounds. I even just took the entrance exam back then and here I am now, who just had her last final exam and about to graduate." Wow, God has been with me all the time I was in college, and now i'm about to graduate, He continuously provided all the things I needed. He answered my prayers and worked miracles as well. Thank You, Father.
and the most recent
You guyz, have those accounts?? Add me up or follow me! Haha!
Yesterday I had my very last final exam of my college life. And while waiting for my friends I was observing the school grounds -- Marian quad, amphitheater, Yuchengco building -- and was thinking, -- "It was almost 4 years ago when I first saw these grounds. I even just took the entrance exam back then and here I am now, who just had her last final exam and about to graduate." Wow, God has been with me all the time I was in college, and now i'm about to graduate, He continuously provided all the things I needed. He answered my prayers and worked miracles as well. Thank You, Father.
I don't care what it costs anymore
Cos' you gave it all and I'm following you
I don't care what it takes anymore
No matter what happens I'm going your way
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