First, as you may have noticed I have a new layout that is proudly made by none other than ME!! Yey!! :D It is my very first layout... Hoorah! Hmmm I’m actually thinking of changing the background (the white one) into a black one. I’m not used to so bright/light. What do you think??
Today’s yet another lovely Sunday. In celebration of the Buwan ng Wika, the songs sung during the praise and worship is in Filipino. Nationalism much? Yes! There are words or feelings that are better expressed in Filipino. That was random I think.
Nag-iisang ikaw sa puso ko...
Kaya’t papuri ko’y dinggin mo...
Narito ang buhay ko, inaalay sa ‘yo,
Hesus ako ngayo’s ingatan mo.

Then the Word of God is yet another WOW for me. All because I feel that God is gearing me and the rest of the congregation for the upcoming revival. The sermon is about Passion for Souls (whuut?! PASSION again! Hahaha! NVM this! haha!) And now, there’s no backing out, win souls! How many people don’t know Him yet? How many are still lost? And what will you do about it?
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
-Matthew 9:36
It is really wonderful how God moves. He brought my feet to that Friday night WOW event.
Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws,
we wait for you;
your name and renown
are the desire of our hearts.
-Isaiah 26:8
Then the following Sunday, His message of how He saved us to SERVE Him (a follow-up to Yes, LORD)...
How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!On how trials would (still) be present despite you serving Him...
-Hebrews 9:14
Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.
- 1 Peter 4:12-14
These are no part of coincidence. It was purposed. It is meant to happen. Or if it is all just my own thoughts or preconceived notion, I would still consider it as a wake-up call.
And for the weekly YU2G gatherings, today’s the second Sunday of the month so this means -- M12, youth gathering, and officers’ meeting. Unfortunately we weren’t able to discuss Lesson 5 since most of the youth were late because council meetings were moved from 1 PM to 12 PM. M12 was also cancelled due to the fact that we want to make use of the time in discussing the upcoming Youth Annual, evangelistic Sunday, Marillac outreach and some other stuff. Students that we are had really been so busy that we lost track of time! It’s almost a year ago when we have done planning like this. Whew! Today’s YU2G meeting was (thank God!) productive! Nice job YU2G! I can see YU2G growing...
Since my former blog was lost (*sniff sniff*) where I have an entry about last year’s annual, allow me to recall through these photos what was up almost a year ago...
For the Youth Aflame convention we had the following great servants of God who blessed us all who were inside the worship hall that day:

The Youth annual was really tiring, having to celebrate it overnight and did I mention that we started 8AM and ended 3AM the next day??? It was indeed tiring but was Fun... It was all for fellowship and FOR HIM.
Last year’s theme was something to do with “Halloween” that’s why “Holy-Win” and the theme-related games and opening number.

And this year we planned on something mouth-watering... Haha!
God's Order - Upsized Spirit
(fastfood concept)

(fastfood concept)
Also, of course we planned for the coming 5th Sunday Evangelism where each one of us SHOULD bring one ‘unbeliever’... I’m excited for these souls. We pray that this Sunday should not just be ordinary to them because it is a day that they would be able to meet the ABBA FATHER, THE MOST HOLY ONE, THE GREAT GOD, THE ONE WHO SAVED THEM...
And Yu2G, who’s up for an overhaul? Ah there, US!

Looks like my blog has been awakened as well?! haha! My blog suddenly turned out into a 'photo album'. You know how a picture paints a thousand words. But, still, my 1st three entries in this blog are like forever -- they're loooong! hahaha!
Random Whateverisms:
I'm getting thinner and lighter and I hate it!!! Can't wait to graduate so I can sleep as long as I want and not to carry with me Brusko and other school stuff. I get to eat anytime I want, too.
I'm still not done reading BD (now this is record-breaking, a week now!). I'm stuck at Book 2.
Thesis defense is up in about
I need to buy the Sonicflood ticket on Tuesday...
And You're the best thing that has happened to me
And the world will never take
The world will never take You away
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