I don't know but I feel like posting...
Random random random...
Yesterday is the first graduation for Winter Camp for some of the students at Jabez, which means it was their last day yesterday already. During the last hour last night, what we just did are camwhore and have fun. We didn't care with what the head teacher and Korean managers would tell us. We just made the most out of the moment. SAD. I saw some students cry and all of them feels sad that they're leaving. There was this one student named Rachael. She's not even my student but when I hugged her goodbye, she started crying. :'( She's so sweet. I hugged every girl student and my student whose English name is Joy (Kim Young Woong) but who is really a guy. He was the most pasaway (hard-headed, so playful, almost-ADHD type) student I had. I feel like he doesn't like me and he feels that I don't like him either. But during the last hour he said to me "I'll miss you" = 보고 싶을거야 (bo go shi peul guh ya) [im not sure if this is the right spelling though]. Yes he even said it in Korean because he told me that it's better said in his native language. And then before he rode into the service, we hugged each other. Almost in tears. I WILL DEFINITELY MISS ALL OF THEM. I got the email addresses of some and they told me I can stay in their homes whenever I get the chance to visit Korea. Haha! Soon, Merie, soon. :P Sarah's last day was last Thursday. She's the youngest student I had and the cutest and nicest one. :) I just need to keep up with her being talkative. ^_^ Then next week, two of my students will go back to Korea too. Sigh sigh sigh. I've been attached. Just sad...