Sunday, July 22, 2012

129. Random Days are Random!

There was a dire need for a break away from the confines of a seemingly-suffocating workstation. Sorry for the blunt words but yes, dire need for a break and suffocating workstation goes along pretty well. I won't dwell on this. Instead, I will share to you what happened on my three-day-randomity - the boyfriend included. 

First day is all about BGC.

The first stop is fated to happen! Ang galing galing lang ni Lord. :) That moment when we are about to walk out the door but then, everything just went into their proper places. That was what the boyfriend and I (most especially him) are thankful of. Our egos were boosted, just what they needed. After that ego-boosting moment, the walking pushed through. Walked here, there and all around, until the sun is about to set. And then it's time to reward ourselves from all the walking!

KrispyKreme merienda!

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

128. Sometimes, we need to get through a tunnel to appreciate light, to appreciate brightness.


Sometimes, we need to get through a tunnel to appreciate light, to appreciate brightness.

—What I would have said to him in this time that he feels so down. But then I realized it applies to me as well. And made me realize how unfair I was with my thoughts the past days compared to him; compared to other people who are going through harder times than him. And made me realize that I may not be wearing the fancy pair of sky-high heels that everyone adores, but definitely I’m in better shoes, regardless if it’s just a plain pair of simple black flats.
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