Today's Sunday and isn't it amazing I'm writing a new entry at this time of Sunday? Yeah, I find it weird coz you see, our church is my home during Sundays. and today I'm home
(in my real house/home) early! Haha! It is the
3rd Sunday of the month which means we don't have council gatherings. They call it Family Day. Today is the 3rd Sunday dated
November 16 and do I hear
Ri-ri and CBrown fans out there? Just take a lot of photos and vids and Ill wait for those blog entries how well
(or worst?) it went, and errr i'm not a fan of both of them but I like Rihanna's songs..
bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum 
. It's Nov 16 and the
C3 band (i'm just one of those few rare? people who know about this Aussie Christian band) will be having their last praise&worship service later at COP. I got 3 tix here but well aside from I'm not in the mood to go, add to that noone to drive me there.
This week I am the
most unproductive person on earth. That was obviously exaggerated. I'm a
TOTAL BUMBUM(be-dum bum bum be-dum)
BUM. I didn't have any job interview this week so basically this week's routine:
wake up
breakfast or brunch
tidy the house
turn on music (and this lasts all throughout the day. I'm not into TV)
surf the net
gets bored
eat whatever is there to eat
read which makes me sleepy...
sleep and since the book is somewhere on the bed... again
surf the net (or watch some movie)
doodle and sketch.
SKETCH. And while I'm trying to juice out ideas, I seek the aid of online photos and then I came to know that I missed, well not really, I was kind of late to view this year's
New York Fashion Week Spring 2009 Collection series of fashion shows held last Sept 5-12. Of course the designs were exemplary, and I could say this year's collections are better than last year or maybe my taste of designs shifted. No. I think that wasn't right. Every year's collections are incomparable. Unique in one way or another. There. I especially loved the collections of
Michael Kors,
Betsey Johnson,
Miss Sixty (oh Miss Sixty!),
Nicole Miller,
Pamela Rolland and many others. Well, I love all of them, there's some unique piece/s in every collection that caught my attention.
These are just some of the photos of the pieces and styles I loved. The first 2 pieces btw are made by some Porject Runway designers. There are much pieces that I find it adorable and chic and drooling. And thank goodness I've come up on my own designs. :) I really dream of seeing my designs strutted on a ramp in an event like that. Oh well. Someday. Someday. Or not. Let His will be done.

I did mention I watched some movies, right?! I was able to finally watch
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. I love Anne Brashares and the movie just like any other adaptations were somehow modified but I LOVE THE MOVIE. I'm a fan of the
SOTTP novel series (though I haven't completed reading them) and the movies were not a
total disappointment to me. Plus, the book and the novel reflects us 4 friends. My friends told me that
Lena fits my character
(or is it the other way around??anyway) but I prefer to be like
Tibby but of course without the pregnancy scare. haha!
[EDIT] Apparently (thanks to
Zee) they had concise the rest of the series in this one movie. I haven't read the last 2 installments of the series so I guess that was a bit disappointing. But I still love the movie nevertheless and I have to reread and to complete reading the books. I thought it was just my memory failing me why I was kind of lost in the movie while trying to compare it to the book. Oh poor memory indeed. It seems I haven't recalled enough about the books and haven't read enough. Haha! I read it 2 years ago.
And speaking of movies. I'm sort of afraid to blurt the title of this movie..
tw.. twil...
TWILIGHT!!! Ooops.. sorry... I can't control myself. Despite my
annoyance and irritation to the Twilight hype and craze,
I do am irritated and annoyed when in fact im just like the screaming fangirls some months ago, I still am giddied and gets sooo much excited when I read an article, or see photos, or watch interviews, or see the trailer or sneek peaks or everything attached to the much-much-uber-uber-so-so-anticipated movie of this year. I've been waiting since
May (and I know of some friends and onlinde buddies who waited much longer) !!! Back when it was supposed to be released on January. thank goodness!
NOV 26 is just 10 days awaaaaaaay!!! See I told you so! BTW I raved and ranted
HERE and I love InStyle's photoshoot of the twilight cast. I think it's one of the best shoot, right?
And I so would want to go to this:

The Katinas concert at the end of this month. It's yet another Christian band that popularized the songs
"Beauty of Your Grace" "Thank You" and
"Eagle's Wings". It'd be in Araneta. And I need moolah. I don't wanna end up worshiping in Upper B. Hehe.
Wow. Hillsong United. Passion Manila. Chris Tomlin. Sonicflood and now KATINAS. Whew! This has been a pretty expensive year.
Want to end this entry with today's service's key verse which tells us and retells us that whatever we do, be the simplest thing to the greatest one,
do it for His glory, not my glory, not anybody's glory but
All honor and glory to God forever and ever!
-Timothy 1:17