Tuesday, February 21, 2012

119. Living the Present But Looking Forward

I have been inspired lately. Or should I say I'm trying to be as optimistic as I can the past few days. The days before seem PMS-ing-everyday. On some days, I get too emotional and lock myself up inside a cubicle until I feel somehow and a tiny bit relieved. You just have to go through those days. And of course praying helps.

I have finally laid down my plans. And I mean futuristic-ally and not just for tomorrow. You know I have been dreaming and just dreaming and just waiting and guess what?? Of course nothing happens. And then part of the 'lately' is the SNAP! Get up, don't whine and do something instead. Even just a really tiny step. And so I did. I'm just happy that I finally know where to head. Btw my plans are revokable?? How do you say it, can be changed if a really good job opportunity comes along. Lol.
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