Monday, April 1, 2013

162. Monday Musings: Or Maybe Something Greater

Don't you just long for that day, to finally see in front of you what you've long been yearning for or as the above statement says, something better? I do. A lot. But of course, I'm still in the constant seeking phase, I love using this -- I still see a vast horizon in front of me.
 If you take a look at my archives, I've used this very phrase quite a number of times. The only difference from then and now is that I already know where I'm headed at -- I already know what I'm looking for. I already left the shore and I'm on my way. And I can't wait for the destination. My anticipation heightened because I now know where to go, and not allow the wind to take me just anywhere. And by seeking, I don't just stare at the horizon. It's like looking for a pair of scissors. You don't use just your eyes. Oftentimes, you need to lift things up, or to move things or open them to be able to find where the pair of scissors is. The thing is, you know what you're looking for and the most important thing is you are doing something to find it. I'm in that phase, moving chairs, opening cupboards, entering-exiting rooms, lifting sheets, etc. I feel like I'm finally doing my thing that hopefully will lead to what I'm looking for or maybe even much greater.

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